Skincare Blog

Tired Woman

Circadian Rhythm: How Disconnecting From Your Phone Can Prevent Disease

This article was originally authored and published by Dr. Emily Parke. After a long day behind the computer or a late night catching up on work under…

Woman getting beauty sleep

Beauty Sleep: Is it Real?

So, what do you do to keep looking young? Do you spend a lot of time and money using different skin care products? Maybe you dabble in some botox and…

toxic nail polish

Is Your Nail Polish Toxic???

Have you noticed all of the creative designs and patterns on women's nails these days?? It's fascinating to me how much expression can be stated on…

Smiling woman

How Do I Get Rid Of My Acne Scars?

Ugh...Isn’t it bad enough that I have pimples? Why does it have to leave scars behind as well? About 80% of patients with acne suffer from scarring.…

Woman holding stomach

The Gut-Skin Connection: “The 5 R Approach”

Last week we reviewed how the gut and the skin are connected to each other as well as other body systems. When there is inflammation in the gut,…

Healthy Woman Cooking

The Gut-Skin Connection: How is it all connected? Part 1

Over five years ago, a physician friend of mine who was in the Integrative Medicine Fellowship with me called and said they were coming to Phoenix…


Self-Care… a NEED, not a Want!

At the end of a very hectic and demanding morning at work, my office mate kindly asked me if I was “ok”. Gosh, did I seem that stressed out?? What…

skin healing journey

Connections and Breakthroughs

As a board-certified Integrative Dermatologist, I love thinking deeply about all of the possible root cases of skin issues. Thoughtful discussion of…

Healthy Foods

10 Nourishing Foods for Healthy Skin

Many foods have been found to have healing benefits for the skin. Here are 10 of my favorite plants, nuts, seeds, veggies and fruits that heal the…

Woman doing Yoga to De-Stress

Stress and Your Skin

The mind and the skin are intimately intertwined. You may have noticed this connection when you are stressed, the mind is overwhelmed and then…