Skincare Blog

acne breakouts

Surprising Causes of Acne Breakouts! Hint: It’s not hormones or diet!

Surprising Causes of Acne Breakouts! Hint: It’s not hormones or diet! As a board-certified Integrative Dermatologist, I’m always looking for how…

DIY skin care

4 Best Herbs for DIY Skin Care

Why spend extra cash or time researching skin care products when you could be using natural herbs for DIY skin care at home? As sensitive as our skin…

Immune Boosting Herbal Supplements

Winter Wellness Immune Boosting Herbal Supplements

I hope you are enjoying the winter season and that you have had some time off of work to rest and rejuvenate. In the past, I know that when I finally…

Mind, Body, Spirit & Skincare Holiday Tips

Mind, Body, Spirit & Skincare Holiday Tips

We are in the midst of the holiday season and I don't know about you, but this time of year brings A LOT of hustle and bustle to my daily life. I…


5 Expert Tips on How to Hydrate Your Winter Skin

Winter represents a time for cozy comfy days of relaxation with a warm blanket, a cup of tea and a good book. It's a time of quiet energy, reflection…

skin microbiome

The Skin Microbiome: An Integrative Dermatologist’s Perspective

“Is my skin dirty?” one of my patients asked me this week when I was explaining the role of skin microbiome and her skin issue. And the answer is YES…

Real Plans

5 Steps to Unveil the “Real” Plans

If you are going thru a challenging time, then take the time to go thru these steps and if things are going well in your life right now, then tuck…

Blue Light

How to Prevent and Repair Blue Light Skin Damage

Is it possible that there is such a thing as blue light skin damage? We are well aware that our digital devices emit blue light. This causes eye…

DIM: Supplement for Acne

Are you bracing yourself before you look in the mirror in the morning to see what crazy pimples showed up overnight? Sometimes it seems that the…

Tired Woman

Circadian Rhythm: How Disconnecting From Your Phone Can Prevent Disease

This article was originally authored and published by Dr. Emily Parke. After a long day behind the computer or a late night catching up on work under…